Call us: (210) 658-6211
We use a broad range of advertising media, including signs, flyers, broker referrals, and tenant referrals.
One of the most valuable services performed is the checking of a tenants' background.
To protect the owner's investment, we afford the maximum protection to your property.
To keep owner maintenance costs to a minimum we use licensed, qualified, reasonably priced personnel who get the job done properly.
Rent rates are negotiated to the highest possible level depending on market conditions, quality of the tenant, length of the lease, type of property, and the time of year.
Leases and other documents used adhere to the Texas Landlord-Tenant Act and clearly explain landlord rights and tenant responsibilities.
Rents are sent to the property owner monthly unless an expense prevents mailing all funds.
Property owner checks and computer generated statements are distributed on the 10th of each month.
Tucker Co. offers full management services for 6% to 12% of monies collected from tenants payable monthly.
A Rental Analysis helps determine what the property will rent for on a long or short-term basis.
A Rental Analysis is not always necessary to begin management, however, it can often answer many questions.